LabelPack A + launches #checkyourheating campaign – Portuguese

LabelPack A + launches #checkyourheating campaign – Portuguese

The LabelPack A + project, an initiative developed under the Horizon 2020 program, will present a campaign to inform and promote the exchange of heating equipment for other more efficient ones. The action, called “Check Your Heating”, will run from May to June and is targeted at private consumers who wish to replace old heating equipment or water heaters.

At present, the labels available on the equipment follow a color scale, ranging from G, the least efficient, to A +++, the most efficient, and only the most efficient systems incorporating renewable energy can aim for category A + or higher. However, there is still little demand on the part of the final consumer, when choosing the equipment, which leads to a less efficient decision on the part of the installers. This is acknowledged by the Secretary-General of Solar Heat Europe, Pedro Dias, who stressed that, despite the new regulation on energy labeling, implemented in all European Union countries by 2015, “consumers rarely pay attention to energy labels in new heating systems. This issue is rarely taken into account when purchasing new equipment. ”

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