QualEnergia – An information campaign on the energy efficiency of your heating system – Italian

QualEnergia – An information campaign on the energy efficiency of your heating system – Italian

The European project “LabelPackA +” launches an information campaign called “‘#CheckYourHeating”: make prior checks to evaluate the energy efficiency of the old plant and, using the whole labeling, consider replacing it with a class system higher. Often we usually replace the heating systems only after a breakdown, often in emergency situations as it is normal for example during the winter. This does not allow a careful choice of the new equipment that will also ensure savings in consumption , perhaps using efficient and renewable sources.

Spring could be the ideal time to gather all the necessary information and compare new heating systems, and prepare for the possible replacement of the old system that could be done in the summer or early autumn.

To this end and to promote the replacement of old and inefficient heating systems, the European LabelPackA + project , funded under Horizon 2020 and led by Solar Heat Europe, launches an information and promotion campaign called “‘ #CheckYourHeating ” .

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