Solar Thermal Markets in Europe – Trends and Market Statistics 2012 (published June 2013)

Solar Thermal Markets in Europe – Trends and Market Statistics 2012 (published June 2013)

In 2012, the European market experienced a reduction in the overall newly installed capacity which amounted to 2.4 GWth (approximately 3.4 mio m²): a decrease of 6.4% in comparison with the previous year. The total installed capacity registered a net increase of 2 GWth, now reaching 28.3 GWth (40.5 mio m²). This represents an increase of 7.7% compared with the 2011 total installed capacity. The European Union market continues to suffer from the constraints imposed by the financial and economic crises affecting most of the continent, resulting in a sluggish construction sector and reduction of public support schemes for solar thermal. Read More...

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Solar Thermal Markets in Europe – Trends and Market Statistics 2011 (published June 2012)

Solar Thermal Markets in Europe – Trends and Market Statistics 2011 (published June 2012)

The European solar thermal market remained static in 2011, close to the 2.6 GWth installed in 2010 Some important markets continued to grow such as the biggest European market, Germany, and also Poland. Others went through a very difficult time, especially in Southern European countries, such as Italy, Spain and Portugal; however, Greece bucked this trend with a slight market growth. There were some positive developments for both large and very systems, but these alone cannot offset the downturn experienced in more traditional market segments. Read More...

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Solar Thermal Markets in Europe – Trends and Market Statistics 2010 (published June 2011)

Solar Thermal Markets in Europe – Trends and Market Statistics 2010 (published June 2011)

Although the European solar thermal market has again experienced an overall decrease in 2010, it still remains above its 2007 level with a total of 2 586 MWth (3 694 940 m²) of newly installed capacity. The German market while still the largest in Europe, has dropped by almost 29% in 2010. This decrease, combined with the 23% downturn in 2009, brings the market almost back to its 2007 level, with 805 MWth of newly installed capacity (1 150 000 m²). Read More...

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