Best practices on Solar Heating and Cooling at SHE’s General Assembly

Best practices on Solar Heating and Cooling at SHE’s General Assembly

Are you interested in presenting that particular solar heating and cooling system that your company has been working on to a selected audience of peers from leading solar thermal entities?

During the next General Assembly there will be the presentation of three best practices from our sector. The main goal of this session is to promote among our members some outstanding examples of projects implemented or under development. These can cover different types of applications, from space and/or water heating for residential or commercial applications, solar cooling, solar heat for industrial processes, solar district heating or others. It can also refer to relevant solar thermal technologies, be it water, air, concentrating, unglazed, PVT collectors or other.

The cases selected will be able to hold a 10 minutes presentation during the General Assembly. These and other best practices will be promoted in SHE’s website, social media and other channels.

Those interested shall contact Solar Heat Europe’s secretariat until Wednesday 23rd October to

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