Switching to renewable heating & cooling – the successful story of the Grocaut family

Switching to renewable heating & cooling – the successful story of the Grocaut family

Mr. Grocaut is a retired police officer, which lives with his family near Pau-Lescar, in a sunny region of South of France. After consulting a qualified installer, he decided to install in his house a solar thermal system to provide hot water and space heating, combined with a biomass stove.

According to his testimony, the choice of switching to renewable energies resulted from different reasons. The previous fossil fuels-based system installed in the house was costing the Grocaut family between €2 600-€3 000 yearly, including costs of maintenance. With the solar thermal system running, in the first-year costs reached €800, with a net reduction in costs: at least one third on the annual expenses. Furthermore, the system maintenance is quite easy and there is no residual smell. But most importantly, solar heat is a no-regret option which does not produce CO2 emissions. It lower costs and reduces emissions.

Mr. Grocaut benefited from the support of a qualified technician. Before installing the solar thermal system, the technician prepared a simulation and a feasibility study and, given the certification of the installation, Mr Grocaut could benefit of € 5000 of tax credit, to support the additional installation and investment costs.

Hear more directly from him in the video below!

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