Casa & Clima – LabelPackA +, an information campaign on the energy efficiency of heating systems – Italian

Casa & Clima – LabelPackA +, an information campaign on the energy efficiency of heating systems – Italian

The campaign is aimed at owners of properties that intend to replace their old heating or water heaters

The long winter 2017, which occurred in many European countries, and the slow rise in oil and gas prices at the end of the year, could be an expensive revival. To date, consumers can already benefit from modern, renewable and efficient heating systems, which save on heating bills and at the same time be more environmentally friendly.

European consumers often change their heating system under emergency conditions; due to the breakage of the plant and in the moment of greatest need, in winter. Under these conditions, it is difficult for consumers to find the time to choose among the numerous alternatives suited to their needs, using renewable energy sources and efficient technologies. Emergency replacements are often a missed opportunity.

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